July 12, 2025 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

HK Powersports Land & Lake Poker Run

NazBar and Grill 1086 Weirs Blvd Laconia, NH 03246

History of our Poker Run

Over 23 years ago, Kate Hamel, a former employee of Easterseals NH, was enjoying a meal at the World Famous NazBar & Grill. Kate was talking to Cynthia Makris, owner of The NASWA Resort, and suggested the Lakes Region put together a poker run on and around Lake Winnipesaukee.

Wanting to play a big role, Cynthia offered The NASWA Resort to host a huge party for participants.

Cynthia and Kate chose to raise funds for Easterseals NH, which would help thousands of NH residents of all ages and abilities.

Since it began in 2001, The HK Powersports Land & Lake Poker Run has raised more than $1.7 million!

The 2025 Poker Run is dedicated to the memories of Peter Makris and Brian Connelly.

2024 Poker Run Event Photos

What is a Poker Run?

It’s “playing” poker by collecting playing cards hidden in envelopes at designated locations on and around Lake Winnipesaukee.

Calling all Land and Lake Pirates! Come by boat, car and motorcycle for the 23rd Annual HK Powersports Poker Run to benefit Easterseals New Hampshire.

The final stop is The NASWA Resort where your poker hand is revealed to you. That’s when the competition really begins! Keep donating to improve your hand for cash prizes: $1,000 in the Cohen Family High Rollers Club. $750 cash prizes for both land and lake winners.

All that fun benefits Easterseals NH’s core programs serving nearly 16,000 of our New Hampshire neighbors of all ages and varied abilities who depend on your generosity to live, learn, work and play to their fullest.

HK Powersports Land & Lake Poker Run
Game Rules
  • Participants traveling by land or lake will stop at four checkpoints to pick up poker cards sealed in envelopes.
  • Players will need to go to ALL STOPS (Land or Lake) in order to build their hand. The fifth and final card stop for all players is The NASWA Resort.
  • DO NOT OPEN the card envelopes or you will be disqualified! NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • The sealed envelopes will be opened by the official poker judges to reveal your hand at The NASWA Resort.
  • Please remember this is not a race. All boating and road rules and laws must be followed.
  • BEST POKER HANDS! $750 cash prizes awarded to both Land and Lake winners
  • HIGH ROLLER TOP HAND $1,000 cash prize awarded

Event Schedule

9:00 am

Registration begins at all checkpoints

10:30 am

Event officially starts

12:30 pm

Buccaneer Bash starts at The NASWA Resort

1:30 pm

Deadline for turning in poker hands

2:30 pm

Stage Program & Awards


Land Checkpoints

Belknap Subaru*


HK Powersports


Patrick’s Pub


Pie Guys Pizzeria


Lake Checkpoints

Watermark Marine

Paugus Bay

Eastcoast Flightcraft

Weirs Beach

Shibley’s Docks

Alton Bay

Lago’s Docks


*The Belknap Subaru Pit-Stop at Exit 20, I-93 is the perfect checkpoint to start your day if you’re traveling from points south, as you can enjoy snacks and other surprises!

The Buccaneer Bash

At the final stop at The NASWA Resort join the Buccaneer Bash! Come in your best pirate garb and swashbuckle the afternoon away.

Prizes will be awarded for:

  • Best Pirate Crew
  • Best Pirate Boat
  • Best Pirate Costume
  • Best Pirate Land Ship
  • Best Little Pirate

Poker Run Prizes

Best Hand- Lake


Best Hand- Land


Prizes and competitions at the checkpoints, plus prizes for the top hand runners up, too!

At the Every raffle ticket you purchase supports Easterseals NH and those who depend on our programs and services to live life to the fullest. Thank you!

Grand Prize

2024 SeaDoo GTI 170 SE personal watercraft with sound and trailer ($13,645)

2nd Prize

Saber stainless steel grill ($1,899)

3rd Prize

Old Town Saranac Canoe ($923)

4th Prize

Old Town Heron Kayak ($733)

Valerie Johnstone and her daughter Arianna Johnstone who received Easterseals NH services through the years.
2023 Grand Prize Winner – Valerie Johnstone and her daughter Arianna Johnstone who received Easterseals NH services through the years.

Poker Run Silent and Live Auction Items

Auction will take place at buccaneer bash on the day of event.

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NASWA Resort logo
mix94 Todays Hit Music logo
Amoskeag Beverages logo
Coca Cola Logo

Mark Abare

North wing Offshore Racing logo
Fireside Living logo
Irwin Marine logo
White Mountain Fiberglass logo
Zup Logo - More smiles on the water.
The Sun Logo
Goodnight Johnny's logo

Kellogg Marine

North Water Marine logo
Bio-Kleen logo