Home » News & Stories » Eversource Walk & 5K Run for Easterseals NH Holds Kick-Off Breakfast on March 19 for Individuals & Corporate Teams Interested in June 6 Event

Eversource Walk & 5K Run for Easterseals NH Holds Kick-Off Breakfast on March 19 for Individuals & Corporate Teams Interested in June 6 Event

Manchester, NH – Easterseals New Hampshire and Eversource have teamed up once again to present the Eversource Walk & 5K Run for Easterseals on June 6, 2019 at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Manchester, NH. Although the event is still several months away, event organizers are hosting a special Kick-Off Breakfast on Wednesday, March 19 from 7:30-9 am at Eversource 780 North Commercial Street in Manchester.

The Kick-Off Breakfast is open to returning team captains as well as to new individual and corporate team captains who are interested in fundraising and taking part in this event, now in its 20th year. At the breakfast, new and exciting Walk & 5K Run features will be announced, as well as a comedic performance by ventriloquist duo Steve & Jack.  The morning will start your day with laughter and inspiration to help Granite State children, adults and seniors with disabilities and special needs.

“Over the past three decades, Eversource employees have strongly embraced the work we do at Easterseals NH and we are honored to partner with them on this event,” said Easterseals President & CEO Larry Gammon. “The Walk & 5K Run is a fun and entertaining evening for all ages that positively impacts our clients throughout the state.”

The 2018 Eversource Walk & 5K Run attracted more than 2,750 participants and volunteers, and raised more than $247,000. The Kick-Off Breakfast will celebrate this success and begin preparing teams to exceed last year’s numbers. Funds raised from the event will help Easterseals continue to provide services throughout the Granite State, including: Child Development Centers and Family Resource Center, Early Supports and Services, Autism Services, Residential & Educational Services, Special Transit Services, Camps and Recreation, Community Based Services, Workforce Development, Military & Veterans Services, Senior Services, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Oral Health Services.

“We are excited to join our friends at Easterseals and our neighbors to continue supporting an organization that does so much to serve our communities,” said Eversource New Hampshire President Bill Quinlan. “Each year we look forward to an even more successful event to support Easterseals’ exceptional work providing thousands of our fellow Granite Staters with critical services that help them and their families grow and thrive.”

Easterseals is also pleased to recognize Manchester Radio Group as the lead media sponsor in this year’s Eversource Walk & 5K Run and Millennium Running for overseeing the 5K component of the event.

Start forming your team of walkers or runners today and register online at www.easterseals.com/nh. To RSVP for the breakfast, please call 603.621.3429 by March 8.

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