Liz is an eclectic entrepreneur, investor, small business owner, and champion for her community and the arts. She joined the Board of Easterseals NH & VT in 2021.
While she has many interests and projects underway, her current focus is developing The Factory on Willow, a 100,000 sq/ft work/live space for creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. Her family office, Orbit Group, is located in that space and is focused on technology and real estate projects. Liz is also busy overseeing The Bookery Manchester, a local indie bookstore and anchor retail location, which she founded. She is also the co-founder of Minim, Inc, an IoT startup focused on making WiFi simpler and home networks safer, created after selling Dyn, an internet service company.
Her mission with these endeavors is to build a better community through guidance, relationships, and capital.
Liz also spends a great deal of time on her passion for the arts by assisting nonprofits as an active participant on boards and committees. Most recently, she has created an Artist in Residence Program at The Factory on Willow, which has received applicants from all over the world.
Committed to strengthening New Hampshire’s startup community, she is attracting additional investment dollars across several NH startup companies through her work at 10x Manchester’s Angel Group and as the general partner of Millworks Fund, an investment fund.
In addition to serving on the Easterseals Board, Liz is a board director at St. Mary’s Bank, the nation’s first credit union. Liz graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. While at WPI, she met her husband, Jeremy; they share three beautiful children. In 2018, Liz and Jeremy were awarded honorary Doctorates of Humane Letters from Rivier University for their innovation and focus on technology, workforce development, and service to the community.