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Housing Fact Sheet

Easterseals Military & Veterans Campus Affordable Housing Fact Sheet

In order to be eligible to reside in the Military and Veterans Campus Housing, you or another adult member of your household must meet the following definition of veteran or be currently serving in the military.

“A veteran who served in the United States military, including the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Reserve Component or National Guard. You must have completed Initial Entry training and arrived at first duty station. If the applicant was injured during training, they can be eligible with a documented medical discharge.”

Veterans Who Are Not Eligible

Those with a Dishonorable, an Other than Honorable (from a general court-martial), a Bad Conduct (from a general court-martial), an Uncharacterized (from a general court-martial) or Undesirable Discharge (from a general court- martial) will not be eligible for housing.

Active Military Duty

At least one adult household member must be actively serving in the United States military to be eligible for occupancy.

Rental Rates and Income Limits

The Military and Veterans Campus Housing is a “mixed income” affordable housing property and is made up of units designated for households with incomes limited to 30%, 60% and 80% of the Franklin, NH Area Median Income, as published by HUD on an annual basis.

Rental rates include heat, hot water, electricity and air conditioning.

All apartment rental rates have been set below the maximum rental rates that are permitted to be charged in accordance with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.  With that in mind; however, even though a household’s income may be within the maximum income limit, they may not have sufficient income to afford the rent.  We consider a rent that is more than 40% of household gross monthly income to be too much of a rent burden.  If a household’s anticipated rent will exceed 40% of monthly gross household income the household will not eligible for occupancy. 

If you have a Housing Choice Voucher (which we accept), your household income will not be used as a factor for eligibility. 

Current Income Limits

Household Size30% AMI Limit60% AMI Limit80% AMI Limit
1 Person$24,180$48,360$64,480
2 Person$27,630$55,260$73,680
3 Person$31,080$62,160$82,880
4 Person$34,530$69,060$92,080

Unit Income Designations and Rental Rates

Several units have been designated for households who are affiliated with the Veterans Administration and have or qualify for a Veterans Administration Supportive Housing Voucher.  Applicants are referred to the wait list by the Veterans Administration.

The remaining 14 units in the housing building are comprised of:

Two (2) one (1) bedroom apartments are designated for households with income of not more than 30% AMI. The rental rate is $600.  A household would have to have an annual gross income of at least $18,000.

Six (6) one (1) bedroom apartments are designated for households with income that does not exceed 60% AMI. There are three (3) units with rent at $935; two (2) units with rent of $1,000 and one (1) unit with rent at $1150.  A household would have to a gross annual income of $28,050 to comfortable afford rent at $935. At a $1000 rent, gross income would need to be $30,000 and to afford a rent of $1150, gross household income needs to be $34,500

There are three (3) one (1 bedroom) apartments designated for households with income that does not exceed 80% AMI.  Each of the units is $1250 per month.  Gross annual household income needs to be $34,500.

Two (2) two (2) bedroom apartments are designated for households with income that does not exceed 60% AMI.  The rent is $1250.  In order to be able to afford the rent, gross annual income would need to be at least $37,500.

There is one (1) two (2) bedroom apartment designated for a household with income that does not exceed 80% AMI.  The rent is $1350.  Gross annual household income needs to be at least $40,500.

Unit designations and rents chart:

Number of ApartmentsSizeIncome DesignationRental RateMinimum Gross Annual Income to not be rent burdenedMaximum 1 person household incomeMaximum 2 person household income
21BD30% AMI$600$18,000$24,180$27,630
31BD60% AMI$935$28,050$48,360$55,260
21BD60% AMI$1000$30,000$48,360$55,260
11BD60% AMI$1150$34,500$48,360$55,260
31BD80% AMI$1250$37,500$64,480$73,680
22BD60% AMI$1250$37,500$48,360$55,260
12BD80% AMI$1350$40,500$64,840$73,680

We anticipate being able to start moving people in around the second week in June 2025. We will start reaching out to those who have submitted wait list applications to begin the full eligibility process, to complete a Move In Questionnaire and provide other documents needed by the beginning of March 2025. Move in Questionnaires will hold the same place on the list that wait list application holds.  

Eligible applicants will be able to choose available apartments based on the date of application and the maximum allowable income of the next available unit.  Depending on when the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, we may not be able to show actual apartments but, will have large floor plans of the building which will have each unit’s designation, square footage and rental rate that can be used to chose an apartment.