Easterseals New Hampshire’s Individual Service Option (ISO) program provides supportive services to children with chronic mental, emotional, physical, and/or behavioral problems requiring supervision and consistent structure.
Services are delivered in the family home, a state-licensed foster home, a staffed apartment, a roommate model, or a semi-independent living arrangement.
- Offices in Manchester and Keene, services statewide
- Meets all DCYF/DJJS rules and Board of Health licensing regulations
- Serves infants through age 21

ISO Program
Home based therapeutic, child health support services, in-home services are included within each program.
- Case management
- Individual, group and/or family therapy
- Daily living skills training
- Vocational support
- College prep
- Crisis management
- Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)
- 24-hour daily emergency services
- Respite (for certain case types)
- Development and implementation of an individualized treatment plan
- Supervised visits
- Independent living skills training
- Behavior management consultations
- Connection with community supports
- Transition and discharge planning
- Communication training
- Coping strategy training
- Parenting Education
- Advocacy with medical professionals, schools, and other agencies.
- Skills in developing healthy relationships
- Any other identified needs
The Referral Process
Placement of a child into the ISO program initiates a thirty-day assessment period. During this time, a psychosocial evaluation and a treatment plan are developed, which identify the child’s needs, abilities, and goals. The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) refers children under petitions of abuse, neglect, CHINS, or delinquency. Referred children have various needs, including educational, behavioral, developmental, medical, and/or mental health issues.

To inquire about our programs or the admissions process, please contact us at 603-206-6700