Having a companion can make a real difference in someone’s life. Enjoying a conversation, sharing a hobby, even working together on household chores can make the day brighter. Sometimes, the care can extend to supporting someone’s hopes and dreams.
Kerri has been a homemaker for Cheryl for about two years through Easterseals NH Homemakers & Health Services. “I help her with household chores,” said Kerri, “and we enjoy visiting and doing different projects around the house.”
On a typical day recently, Kerri and Cheryl were busy straightening the house when they discovered a story written by Cheryl twenty years ago. “I put the story away and forgot about it, until one day when Kerri and I were cleaning and found it,” explained Cheryl. “She encouraged me to finish it. I am glad that I did. It has made so many people happy.”

Bridget and Booboo is a children’s book about how a gander and cat became friends. Cheryl summarized the story as, “Booboo kept trying to be Bridget’s friend. Finally, one day it happened!”
Throughout the writing process, Kerri supported Cheryl. “I think my main contribution to the book was encouraging her to finish and believing in her,” said Kerri. “I helped her type the book and send it to her niece, Ondrea, who did the illustrations.” Cheryl was so grateful for Kerri’s assistance that she included her in the book’s dedication: “Thank you to Kerri Scruton, my good friend, typist and listener.”
Beyond assisting her to become a published author, Cheryl believes that Easterseals NH has made a real difference in her life. “My life was literally changed when Easterseals NH and Kerri stepped into it. I am doing different things such as harvesting mushrooms, a little flower and vegetable garden, some things I would never have dreamed of doing.”
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